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Bruxelles – Workshop promosso dal Comitato delle Regioni sul tema delle nuove strategie per lo “Small Business Act”


E’ in programma oggi a Bruxelles, presso il Comitato delle Regioni, alle ore 9.30, un workshop sul tema delle nuove strategie per lo “Small Business Act”. Obiettivo del workshop,  attivare un confronto/collaborazione sullo SBA tra le organizzazioni delle Pmi europee (UEAPME) e nazionali ed i rappresentanti del Comitato delle Regioni, partendo dalle esperienze sinora maturate nell’UE in vista della revisione della Strategia Europa 2020.

Competitive small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of Europe’s economy and of key importance for the development of its regions and cities. Between 2014 and 2020, the EU budget will make signifi cant resources available to SMEs through the European Structural and Investment Funds, the COSME and the Horizon 2020 programmes. The European Regional Development Fund in particular has made “the competitiveness of SMEs” one of its top priorities and EU funding will be available for this purpose across all EU regions. The Committee of the Regions promotes the “European Entrepreneurial Region (EER)”, a concept which has focused on supporting entrepreneurial policies and the 
implementation of the EU’s Small Business Act (SBA) at regional and local level since 2011. A total of 15 regions (including those chosen for 2015) have shared the EER  experience so far. The EER initiative is supported by the European Parliament, the European Commission, the European Economic and Social Committee, UEAPME, Eurochambres and Social Economy Europe. 


The conference held in JDE 52 will address two themes:
• How can we ensure the delivery of SME related EU policies such as the SBA and funds at regional and local level?
• SME policies and the review of the Europe 2020 strategy: What form should the territorial dimension take? 

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